Children learn language at different rates, but most follow a general timeline that starts with nonverbal communication and gradually develops into talking.
It's important to note, however, that the time between rudimentary communication (like pointing and grunting) and sharing their thoughts in full phrases and partial sentences can vary widely.
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While some kids will begin "talking" early on and gradually build their skills over time, others will hold off until they're more confident, then suddenly catch up to their peers when they're a little older.
This variation can make it hard for parents to know when their child is just taking their time communicating and when they may have a speech delay.
The timetable for language development is broad – which can make it difficult to know if your little one is just taking their time learning to talk or if they have a speech disorder. But if your toddler doesn't seem to be meeting communication milestones within several weeks of the average, it won't hurt to ask your pediatrician about it at the next well-check.
There may be no cause for concern, but if your child is delayed in some way, recognizing and treating the problem early is crucial for developing language and other cognitive skills in the long run.
What is a late talker?
People often use the term "late talker" when a toddler isn't regularly speaking in two- or three-word phrases by around their second birthday. But it isn't a useful descriptor, since a delay can be very different from a disorder.
A delay means your child is developing, just at a slower pace than their peers. A disorder, on the other hand, may need intervention with the help of a speech-language pathologist.
Plus, speech and language are different parts of communication and may develop at different rates. Speech refers more specifically to talking, or verbally communicating thoughts, ideas, and questions, while language is a broader term that includes how your child both receives and shares information. They have a lot in common, but a child who has a speech delay doesn't necessarily have a language delay (and vice versa).
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For example, a child who understands what's said to them and has nonverbal ways of communicating with their caregivers, but is unable to speak in sentences, may have a speech delay or disorder.
A child who can physically verbalize words but struggles to put them together on their own, has a hard time following directions, or tends to repeat the same words may have a language delay or disorder.
If you're worried about your child's lack of verbal communication, there's some good news: A lot of nonverbal communication (like making animal sounds, gesturing, and nodding or shaking their head) counts as language development. Even if your toddler isn't chatting up a storm, they could still be doing important work in getting ready to talk.
Here are some ways to know if your child is growing those important pre-language skills:
- Does your child point? Pointing to something they want or to pictures in a book is closely related to the beginning of actual speech.
- Does your toddler seem to understand what you say? The ability to understand language precedes the ability to talk. If your child seems to comprehend a great deal of what others are saying, they're well on their way to talking.
- Does your child use gestures and facial expressions to communicate? Many young children communicate what they need nonverbally, and in fact most toddlers develop a host of nonverbal signals. In general, it's more important that your child is making some kind of effort to communicate than that they have a large vocabulary. It's also usually more significant that they're building on their own skills and making some progress rather than keeping up with their peers.
- Does your child grunt? This may seem like a strange question, but new research shows that the little grunts toddlers make while pointing to pictures or playing with toys are actually a kind of commentary, and are a precursor to more complex language development.
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If your child isn't showing any of these signs of readiness, you may want to make an appointment for a speech and hearing assessment.
Why your toddler isn't talking
There are many possible reasons why your toddler isn't talking yet. Some of them may naturally resolve on their own, while others may require intervention.
In addition to speech and language disorders, some common causes of speech and language delays include:
- Hearing loss
- Behavioral and physical developmental disorders including autism and cerebral palsy
- Selective mutism
- Oral impairments or oral-motor problems
- Prematurity or failure to thrive
- Hereditary factors – if you or other people in your family have language problems, it's more likely that your child might develop the same problems
Sometimes there's no cause for a delay other than basic biology: Boys tend to develop language skills more slowly than girls, but usually only by a couple of months. And some more cautious, reserved children tend to wait until they understand a great deal of what they hear before they actually speak.
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The earlier a language delay is detected, the easier it is to treat. Many language problems can be managed very effectively during the preschool years so that your child will have no long-term deficits.
As a general rule, trust your instincts. If something seems wrong to you, ask about it. After all, you know your child best.
Your 18-month-old isn't talking: When to worry
Most children have learned to say at least one word by the time they're 12 months old, and it's unusual for a child to not be speaking at all by 18 months. Although it's not typical, it's not necessarily cause for a lot of concern either.
Talk to your child's doctor if your toddler shows any of these signs:
By 12 months:
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- Doesn't say "mama" or "dada"
- Doesn't use gestures such as waving, shaking their head, or pointing
- Doesn't practice using at least a couple of consonants (like p or b, for example)
- Doesn't understand and respond to words such as "no" and "bye-bye"
- Isn't pointing out things of interest, like a bird or airplane overhead
- Doesn't babble
By 18 months:
- Doesn't point to at least one body part when asked
- Isn't pointing to what they want or somehow communicating to you when they need help with something
- Doesn't say at least six words
- Can't follow simple directions
- Doesn't respond to their name when called
Between 19 and 24 months:
- Doesn't ask questions
- Doesn't understand simple commands like "no" or "stop"
- Doesn't make animal sounds
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Your 2-year-old isn't talking: When to worry
Talk to your pediatrician if your 2-year-old shows any of these signs:
- Doesn't produce their own language (i.e. only repeats what they hear)
- Doesn't play pretend with dolls, toys, or themselves (like brushing their hair or feeding a stuffed animal)
- Doesn't imitate the actions or words of others
- Can't point to named pictures in a book
- Can't join two words together
- Doesn't know the function of common household objects (like a toothbrush or fork)
If your child seems to be talking later than other little friends their age, know that checking in with your family's pediatrician will help you all figure out whether there's really a problem – and get it addressed as soon as possible with referrals to professionals who can help.
If there is a delay, early intervention can go a long way in getting your child on the right path. And if there isn't a problem, you'll likely be amazed at how talkative your child will become!